Seminar with Bruce Baker in Lowville
Active Sales and Customer Service That Get Results
Small Business Seminar Brought to you by Adirondack Basketry
and Lewis County Chamber of Commerce assisting
Friday, April 28, 2006
9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Memories Restaurant
Number Four Road at Beaches Bridge
Lowville, NY 13367
Lunch Included
About the Presenter
Bruce Baker has lead over 500 workshops throughout the United States in the last twenty years. He speaks on a variety of direct marketing related topics such as display, sales and customer service. Bruce has a special talent for making his workshops relevant to the audience’s needs. Those who have taken his workshops report phenomenal increases in sales. He has conducted workshops for the New England Greenhouse Conference, The Connecticut Farm Bureau, and the NE Direct Marketing Conference. He has been a speaker at the National Conference of the Association of Small Business Development Centers.
This workshop is ideal for the small business owner, craftsperson, and artisan working out of their home as well as anyone who finds themselves in a sales position. This lively and entertaining workshop will help you to greet your customers and close more sales. Learn how customers like to be treated to become repeat and loyal buyers. This workshop covers all aspects of selling, from greeting the customer to closing the sale. What turns customers on and what makes them walk is the focus. Businesses that take an active role in the sales process can increase their sales by 20 to 30 percent if they know the importance of effective dialogue, positive behavior and body language. Learn why it is important to never say “thank you” to your customers until a sale is transacted and how to avoid other customer “turnoffs.” Those who try these techniques say the results are like magic! Don’t miss this opportunity to increase your sales and get more customers coming back to your business.
Learn to use Permission Marketing to gain your customers attention and loyalty.
Yes and You and how these two important words can make or break a sale
Greetings that open the door and help to close a sale
The big NO NO’s customer turn offs. How to avoid them!
Using the senses when you sell. The senses are your allies when it comes to creating a sale; sight, sound, smell, taste, touch and intuition
Everybody wants a bargain! How to deal with this national trend effectively
Features and Benefits and how they influence sales
Tell customers what they need to know
Product, Price and STORY the holy trinity of salespersonship
The ABC’s of Selling Always Be Closing. Effective Closing dialogue
Body Language and its vital importance in sales transaction.
How to project Energy and Enthusiasm about products and services
Good hiring and exemplary training creates engaged staff, which creates happy customers
Artisans and Craftsperson, work at home, successful presentation and sales to the public at shows and in stores.
Learn new marketing strategies, business skills, trends and tips, and the art of developing products to meet the demands of the marketplace.
Don’t miss this great opportunity. Reserve your place by registering early.
Questions: call Linda Scherz Allen at 315-376-8522
Reservation Deadline April 22, 2006
Names _____________________________________________________________
Business ____________________________________________________________
Address ____________________________________________________________
Phone ______________________________________________________________
Email ______________________________________________________________
Topic most interested in ______________________________________________
Seminar Fee is $25.00 per person, this includes lunch
Please fill out registration form above and include check made payable to:
Adirondack Basketry – please note on check for Bruce Baker Seminar
And mail to: Adirondack Basketry, 7347 Number Four Rd., Lowville, NY 13367
Partial funding for this seminar was made possible by a Grant given to the Lewis County Chamber of Commerce by Lowville Wal-Mart.
Active Sales and Customer Service That Get Results
Small Business Seminar Brought to you by Adirondack Basketry
and Lewis County Chamber of Commerce assisting
Friday, April 28, 2006
9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Memories Restaurant
Number Four Road at Beaches Bridge
Lowville, NY 13367
Lunch Included
About the Presenter
Bruce Baker has lead over 500 workshops throughout the United States in the last twenty years. He speaks on a variety of direct marketing related topics such as display, sales and customer service. Bruce has a special talent for making his workshops relevant to the audience’s needs. Those who have taken his workshops report phenomenal increases in sales. He has conducted workshops for the New England Greenhouse Conference, The Connecticut Farm Bureau, and the NE Direct Marketing Conference. He has been a speaker at the National Conference of the Association of Small Business Development Centers.
This workshop is ideal for the small business owner, craftsperson, and artisan working out of their home as well as anyone who finds themselves in a sales position. This lively and entertaining workshop will help you to greet your customers and close more sales. Learn how customers like to be treated to become repeat and loyal buyers. This workshop covers all aspects of selling, from greeting the customer to closing the sale. What turns customers on and what makes them walk is the focus. Businesses that take an active role in the sales process can increase their sales by 20 to 30 percent if they know the importance of effective dialogue, positive behavior and body language. Learn why it is important to never say “thank you” to your customers until a sale is transacted and how to avoid other customer “turnoffs.” Those who try these techniques say the results are like magic! Don’t miss this opportunity to increase your sales and get more customers coming back to your business.
Learn to use Permission Marketing to gain your customers attention and loyalty.
Yes and You and how these two important words can make or break a sale
Greetings that open the door and help to close a sale
The big NO NO’s customer turn offs. How to avoid them!
Using the senses when you sell. The senses are your allies when it comes to creating a sale; sight, sound, smell, taste, touch and intuition
Everybody wants a bargain! How to deal with this national trend effectively
Features and Benefits and how they influence sales
Tell customers what they need to know
Product, Price and STORY the holy trinity of salespersonship
The ABC’s of Selling Always Be Closing. Effective Closing dialogue
Body Language and its vital importance in sales transaction.
How to project Energy and Enthusiasm about products and services
Good hiring and exemplary training creates engaged staff, which creates happy customers
Artisans and Craftsperson, work at home, successful presentation and sales to the public at shows and in stores.
Learn new marketing strategies, business skills, trends and tips, and the art of developing products to meet the demands of the marketplace.
Don’t miss this great opportunity. Reserve your place by registering early.
Questions: call Linda Scherz Allen at 315-376-8522
Reservation Deadline April 22, 2006
Names _____________________________________________________________
Business ____________________________________________________________
Address ____________________________________________________________
Phone ______________________________________________________________
Email ______________________________________________________________
Topic most interested in ______________________________________________
Seminar Fee is $25.00 per person, this includes lunch
Please fill out registration form above and include check made payable to:
Adirondack Basketry – please note on check for Bruce Baker Seminar
And mail to: Adirondack Basketry, 7347 Number Four Rd., Lowville, NY 13367
Partial funding for this seminar was made possible by a Grant given to the Lewis County Chamber of Commerce by Lowville Wal-Mart.
Now THIS looks GOOD!
Ever coming nearer to Saranac Lake?
Anonymous, at 10:32 AM
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