Buyer Days exhibitor Thousand Islands Winery showing incredible growth
SYSTEM BOOSTS WINE OUTPUT THOUSAND ISLANDS WINERY: New machines raise bottling capacity TIMES STAFF WRITER COLLINS LANDING — A new bottling system at Thousand Islands Winery, Seaway Avenue, brings the business's capacity in line with large commercial wineries. The new system raises the bottling capacity from 400 bottles to about 2,000 bottles an hour. "The little machine couldn't keep up with production," owner Stephen J. Conaway said. "We have taken away market share from the larger commercial wineries." On Thursday, the first time winery staff used the new wine-filling machine and labeler after training, about 850 gallons of Riesling were poured into blue bottles in five hours. The new wine-filling machine, called a monoblock, takes sterile bottles and first turns them upside-down and sprays them with a sanitary rinse. After that is blown off, the next station in the machine sucks out oxygen and injects nitrogen. "Oxygen makes wine go bad," Mr. Conaway said. "Nitrogen injection is a natural way to keep oxygen out. We don't want to add chemicals to the product." The next piece of the monoblock fills the bottle with the correct amount of wine. Then the bottles are topped with corks or screw caps. The old wine filler didn't have the sanitary rinse or the screw-cap machine. "We put the screw caps on by hand before," Mr. Conaway said. The labeling machine can cover the corks with any capsule type — tin, polylaminate or PVC — and heat shrinks them to protect against tampering. Then the machine adds the bottle's label. With the new machine, the winery will add back and neck labels to the standard front label, Mr. Conaway said. "The machine has a touch-screen display," he said. "It's state of the art." The old filling machine isn't going to waste — it was bought by a startup winery. To increase productivity, the winery also purchased a Lees filter, which filters more wine out of the bottom of tanks, where it settles with sediment. "This separates the sediment from the wine, which gives us less waste product," Mr. Conaway said. The new system and a new filter comprised more than $250,000 in capital investment in the winery's production. The winery also added a glycol chilling system, which has pockmarked jackets around sections of tanks. The winery had cooled wine during the winter in an unheated storage area. The chilling system allows cold stabilization to occur year-round. "We plan to continue to use Mother Nature to the maximum extent possible," Mr. Conaway said. "But we're getting to the point where we can't afford to cold stabilize just in the few months when the weather cooperates." And the reason for that is that demand keeps growing. "People are looking for quality, locally made products right now," he said. "We're competitive even on a price basis with a lot of the bigger wineries."
Cornerstone promotes locally produced gifts
Published March 13, 2010 10:39 pm - Kristen Hardman expands her business venues by opening the Cornerstone Gallery gift shop in Elizabethtown. http://www.pressrepublican.com/0113_business/local_story_072223923.html
By ALVIN REINER Staff Writer
ELIZABETHTOWN — With an emphasis on locally produced artwork and culinary specialties, Kristen Hardman has opened a sister emporium to her Cornerstone Gallery in Willsboro.
"I feel I'm filling in a niche in Elizabethtown and providing a venue for local products while helping build the community," Hardman said of her rationale for the enterprise.
Subtitled "Handmade Luxuries for Every Day," the Cornerstone offers a plethora of items including gourmet foods, yarn, jewelry, paintings, ceramics and gadgets that are not only utilitarian but enhance the home's décor as well.
"Nothing here is too precious," Kristen joked. While there are antiques, modern creations line some of the shelves. One does not have to be concerned about lead glazes from foreign pottery on the locally made mugs, serving dishes and vases. Then there's the ingenuity of using nature to create perpetual rock candles, which are hollowed out to hold an oil reservoir.
Among the gourmet delights is A Taste of the Adirondacks' Puttanesca Pasta Sauce made in Morrisonville by Cindy Bates and New York produced Growling Grizzly BBQ sauce. There's a variety of granola mixtures concocted in Tupper Lake that are perfect for hikers and those who work in the woods; it's also a healthy snack.
Unique quilts created by JoAnne Denton of Lewis are ready to be taken home to provide comfort as well as decoration. Baby hats knitted by 15-year-old Jessica Lynn from Peru show youngsters can be creative as well.
"There are so many intriguing women around here, women of advanced age who have lived here all of their lives, and then some in their 20s. It's a diverse group, but they have a lot in common. It's a cross section of Adirondack women," Hardman says of her clientele.
Hardman added that men do find items of interest and, of course, gifts for others. "I want to create a general-store atmosphere where men can come and hang out and have a cup of coffee while the women shop," Hardman said.
The informal knitting assemblage that meets at the Elizabethtown Cornerstone has woven helmet liners for soldiers in Afghanistan. Unlike most of their creations, which are colorful, these have to be of drab wool. However, the scarves they have made for cancer patients are of "yummy" colors, she said.
Although it costs her more, Hardman has made a concerted effort to have all packaging materials made of recycled materials, which in turn can be recycled and/or are biodegradable.
A vast used-book collection contains mostly recent publications, but if one wishes to compliment antiquated volumes in his or her home, a 19th-century edition of Don Quixote can be found.
Hardman also functions as an interior designer and will visualize a project through color, texture, furniture, fixtures and light to achieve the desired effect. She specializes in preparing homes and other real estate for sale by bringing out the facets that will intrigue prospective buyers.
To take a break from the kids and housework, one can partake in the next informal pot-luck brunch/lunch, knitting/crocheting/quilting circle, held from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, March 20. Call 873-9130 for details. The circles are a way to make friends, learn from one another and, in one instance at a recent gathering, one participant looking for work found employment with another.
The versatile Hardman also operates the Cornerstone in Willsboro during the summer. She and husband, Jim, also run the Woodruff House Bed and Breakfast (thewoodruffhouse.com), which features a gourmet country breakfast. Amid the splendor of a completely refurbished 19th-century home are modern amenities such as Wi-Fi. Visitors are welcomed by three friendly cats.
Hardman may be reached at 873-6788 or kbhardman@charter.net. The Cornerstone Gallery is located at 219 Water St., just west of Route 9 at the blinking light.
Buyer Reception, Photos from Newest Exhibitors, Specialty Food Producers, Three Farm Wineries
You're Invited to Preshow Buyer Breakfast Reception! View Photos from Eight Latest New-to-Show Exhibitors! Many Specialty Food Producers! Three Farm Wineries may be coming! http://www.adknccrafts.com/newsletter100312.php (latest e-news for buyers). Preregister to receive preshow e-news about latest exhibitors to sign up. Buyer Days Gift Trade Show - where shopowners have been buying handmade product and specialty foods from regional artisans and producers for 24 years. Wednesday, March 31 and Thursday, April 1, 2010 at the City Center in Saratoga Springs, NY. Sponsored by the Adirondack North Country Association.
Did You Fax Exhibitor Application on 3.11.10?
We may not have received it. Here's another fax number 518.891.5931. Write to Attn: Nadia. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Acorn Designs Introduces Mini Journals
Media Contact Steve Sierigk Acorn Designs 800 299 3997 info@acorndesigns.org March 5, 2010
Acorn Designs Introduces Mini Journals. In keeping with our other eco-friendly paper products these are 100% post-consumer recycled!
Our new Mini Journals are priced right and are entirely made in New York!
Trumansburg, NY - Acorn Designs announced today the release of its new Mini Journals at the 24th annual Buyer Days. These are the latest and smallest incarnation of our popular journal lines. Acorn Designs has produced eco-friendly paper products since 1981 and has sold to stores around the country that include nature imagery. Our new Mini Journals are sized just right, and priced affordably.
"I created this product because I wanted customers to have access to environmentally-friendly products at very affordable prices" explains Steve Sierigk, owner of Acorn Designs. "Our products have the highest quality art and papers with special attention given to the natural environment. In fact the 100% post-consumer recycled paper is sourced right within our home state of NY. All manufacure of these journals also happens right here!"
"We represent the artwork of over 20 nature artists so the offerings are quite diverse and have something for everyone from fine botanicals to more whimsical fare! These have been so popular that we are in the midst of designing the next 20 images for release later this spring!"
By attending Buyer Days on March 31 and April l in Saratoga Springs, giftshop, lodging and eatery owners can see in person the works of Acorn Designs as well as those of many other regional artisan-producers. Shopowners, lodging owners and chefs who know the importance of the story in making sales, have the time to absorb the story in person from the makers at the show.
The two day show provides a great opportunity to freshen displays, whether store shelving, room accessories or menu listings, with new product. Attend Buyer Days to view 1000s of competitively priced product lines all made in the region. View the new product and show specials online at the Buyer Days page at AdkNCcrafts.com.
Steve Sierigk is the founding artist and owner of Acorn Designs. He is still producing art for Acorn but takes great pride in working with many great artists to produce the Acorn line. All Acorn products are accompanied by descriptive text to add a nice final touch to the product. You can visit their website at www.acorndesigns.org.
Acorn Designs 5066 Mott Evans Road Trumansburg, NY 14886 Phone......(607) 387-3424 Toll-free....(800) 299-3997 e-mail... info@acorndesigns.org web... www.acorndesigns.orgLabels: Acorn Designs, Buyer Days, eco-friendly stationery
The MooseMan introduces Moose Magnets
 For Immediate Release Rick Libbey, The MooseMan MooseMan Nature Photos 603 735 5323 hlibbey@tds.net The MooseMan introduces Moose Magnets souvenir line as the 2010 North Country tourist season draws nearAndover,N.H…. MooseMan Nature Photos announced today the release of it’s new MooseMagnets souvenir line at the 24th annual Buyer Days. The line features moose, loon, & bear magnets, keychains, & bookmarks of area wildlife. These souvenirs are great impulse items and are attractively priced. Rick Libbey created this line because our area needs a souvenir line that depicts OUR OWN area’s wildlife but more importantly; the images were shot from a kayak with love and respect for their world. MooseMan products include the souvenir line, matted prints, rustic framed wildlife art, and notecards with stories of MooseMan’s adventures. By attending Buyer Days on March 31 and April 1 in Saratoga Springs, giftshop, lodging and eatery owners can see in person the works of MooseMan Nature Photos as well as those of many other regional artisan-producers. The two day show provides a great opportunity to freshen displays, whether store shelving, room accessories or menu listings, with new product. Attend Buyer Days to view 1000s of competitively priced product lines all made in the region. View the new product and show specials online at the Buyer Days page at www.AdkNCcrafts.com. My journey with wildlife spans over three decades and MooseMan works exclusively from a kayak in a non-intrusive manner. I also present powerpoint shows on moose, loon, and bear. Visit www.moosemannaturephotos.com and www.moosemagnets.com or contact owner Rick Libbey at hlibbey@tds.net or 603 735 5323. Labels: moose magnets, moose nature photos